Nombre de la carrera:
Título al que opta:
El trabajo presenta en modo esquemático y organizado de acuerdo con las Orientaciones de la Especialización, una producción que representa la visión de la autora respecto a la cátedra "Administración financiera", de la carrera Contador Público, de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (FCE), de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
Se expone el contexto en el cuál se dicta la misma, la fundamentación pedagógica, la justificación, contenidos, itinerario de prácticas de aprendizaje, propuestas de evaluación de aprendizajes, extensión universitaria e investigación educativa.
The present paper is presented in the framework of the final part of the Especialización en Docencia Universitaria of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
It is presented in a schematic way and organized according to the Orientations of the Specialization, a production that represents my vision regarding my subject around the learning of the course that is finished.
Throughout the text you will find: the Context in which the chair is dictated, Pedagogical Foundation, Justification, Contents, Itinerary of Learning Practices, Proposals of Evaluation of Learning, University Extension and Educational Research.
This text integrates part of what has been studied in the course of the Specialization in University Teaching along with the practices that were already used in Financial Administration, chair of which I am a part and which emerged as ideas during the course. During the development of this work as well as all the courses I had permanently the collaboration and revision of my tutor, Loana Lombardozzi both to develop these works and for the development of the Final Research Work that accompanies this summary.
Ciencias de la educación

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